How We Lost the Vine & Fig Tree Vision

Princeton University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the world, shared the humble origins of "The Log College." A great professor, sitting on a log with a handful of students, can change the world -- without large buildings and football teams. According to the Princeton University website,

Log College was the name given to a school that William Tennent, an Irish-born, Edinburgh-educated Presbyterian minister, conducted at Neshaminy, Bucks County, Pennsylvania from 1726 until his death in 1745. Here, in a ``log house, about twenty feet long and near as many broad,'' Tennent drilled his pupils in the ancient languages and the Bible and filled them with an evangelical zeal that a number of them, his four sons included, manifested conspicuously during the religious revivals known as The Great Awakening.

Like Harvard, Yale, and nearly every college in America in the 1700's, training ministers of the Gospel was a primary purpose. Among Princeton's best-known Presidents are Jonathan Edwards and John Witherspoon, a clergyman who signed America's Declaration of Independence in 1776. When Witherspoon was President, the University had these requirements for students:

Every student shall attend worship in the college hall morning and evening at the hours appointed and shall behave with gravity and reverence during the whole service. Every student shall attend public worship on the Sabbath.... Besides the public exercises of religious worship on the Sabbath, there shall be assigned to each class certain exercises for their religious instruction suited to the age and standing of the pupils. . . . and no student belonging to any class shall neglect them.
The Laws of the College of New-Jersey
(Trenton: Isaac Collins, 1794), pp. 28-29.

These men would be horrified at what passes for "higher education" today. They would say of you:

  • You are not a real American
  • You are not a genuine Christian
  • You are a disappointing Human Being, negligent of the rights with which you were endowed by your Creator.

These were the three themes of the first letter Harvard graduate Samuel Adams wrote to Americans through a network of communication known as "The Committees of Correspondence." It put Adams on a path to becoming known as "The Father of the American Revolution." You would probably be embarrassed if Sam Adams could travel through time and ask for your opinions about that letter. Even among the declining number of Americans who can actually read, few can understand the concepts and the reasoning behind that letter. Just as "The Federalist Papers" cannot be understood by most Americans today, even though they were originally written as newspaper columns for ordinary farmers in upstate New York. Adams learned Latin and Greek in high school, and in 1736, at age 14, began studying at Harvard.

But if America's Founding Fathers, and the founders of America's greatest educational institutions, were all that great, why are Americans today so stupid? Why do they tolerate tyranny and public immorality? America was once the most prosperous and admired nation on earth, but today the situation is reversed: The United States is bankrupt and despised even by our former admirers. Unbelievable.

In 1869, Lysander Spooner complained about growing government centralization and tyranny in the United States. He said

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain — that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.

The Founders of America's Greatest Educational Institutions would say today's universities are unfit to exist.

But it's their own fault.

These Christians planted the seeds of the destruction of "religion, morality, and knowledge."

All of these men believed they had captured the robes. What they didn't realize -- and what you don't realize -- is that "the robes" must be destroyed.

What are "the robes?"

Three classes of people wear robes: Judges, Clergymen, and Professors.
                                                            State, Church, and Academia.

In America in 1718 all three were explicitly Christian. Only Christians could hold public office. Our clergy were trained in our greatest universities, all explicitly Christian.

In America in 2018, they are all explicitly anti-Christian.

Nobody in 1718 would have believed that in three hundred years a man who openly admits -- with unrepentant "pride" -- that he engages in homosexual sodomy with another man (or men) could wear a robe.

But communists, progressives, atheists, and others on the left "captured the robes" in the 19th and 20th centuries.

They now wield power.

What William Tennent and Samuel Adams did not understand is that Christians are not to be like the kings of the Gentiles and their priests and oracles.

In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, Jesus discovers His disciples arguing about who was going to "wear the robes" in the Kingdom of God.

They didn't understand that Jesus' Kingdom was quite unlike the kingdoms of the world.

But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. {43} Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. {44} And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. {45} "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

The word translated "rulers" comes from the Greek word from which we derive our English word "anarchist."

Jesus clearly says His followers are not to be "archists." They are to be "servants."

"Lords," "rulers" and "great ones" are "archists."

So what is an "archist?" What exactly is the "archist" that the "an-archist" is not?

An "archist" is someone
who believes he has a right to
impose his will on others by force.

The belief that some human beings have the right to rule over other human beings is a belief that dominates the robes: it is taught in our universities, sanctioned by our churches, and practiced by our politicians. It is contrary to the Bible. It is the opposite and the enemy of the “Vine & Fig Tree” worldview.

Vine & Fig Tree

The name "Vine & Fig Tree" comes from the fourth chapter of the prophet Micah, and is set forth below. You've probably heard Micah's words before -- we beat our "swords into plowshares" and everyone dwells safely under their own "Vine & Fig Tree.

We believe "the real meaning of Christmas" is that Jesus is the Messiah and has already begun fulfilling this and other prophecies. Another word for "Messianic Age" is "Western Civilization."

America's Founding Fathers were familiar with this vision: "Vine & Fig Tree" is the worldview that made America "the greatest nation on God's green earth."

George Washington's Diaries are available online at the Library of Congress. The LOC.GOV website introduces Washington's writings with these words:
No theme appears more frequently in the writings of Washington than his love for his land. The diaries are a monument to that concern. In his letters he referred often, as an expression of this devotion and its resulting contentment, to an Old Testament passage. After the Revolution, when he had returned to Mount Vernon, he wrote the Marquis de Lafayette on Feb. 1, 1784:

"At length my Dear Marquis I am become a private citizen on the banks of the Potomac, & under the shadow of my own Vine & my own Fig-tree."

This phrase occurs at least 11 times in Washington's letters.

"And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree" (2 Kings 18:31).

"Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree, 1798" by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, Lora Robins Collection of Virginia Art, Virginia Historical Society
Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree, 1798
Jean Leon Gerome Ferris
Virginia Historical Society
Lora Robins Collection of Virginia Art

      Peter Lillback, author of a 1,000-page study of Washington's life and thought, has found more than 40 references to the “Vine and Fig Tree” vision in Washington's Papers.
      Many other American Founders wrote of this ideal.
      "Vine & Fig Tree" is the original "American Dream."
The phrase occurs a number of times in Scripture. These references are visual reminders of the Hebrew word for salvation, which means
  • deliverance
  • victory
  • security
  • peace
  • wholeness
  • health
  • welfare, and
  • private property free from princes and pirates.
When today's Americans hear the word "salvation," they usually think about going to heaven when they die. When the writers of the Bible used the word "salvation," they wanted you to be thinking about dwelling safely under your own Vine & Fig Tree during this life -- much more often than they wanted you to be thinking about what you'll be doing in the afterlife.

The best place to see the Vine & Fig Tree ideal is in the book of Micah.

 Let's look at Micah's prophecy (on the left) and ask a few questions (on the right):
And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And it will be raised above the hills
  Are we in the "last days?"

When did this establishment take place?

And the peoples will stream to it.
And many nations will come and say,
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,
Is Christianity doomed to minority status throughout history? Hasn't Christianity been growing since the first century?
That He may teach us about His ways
And that we may walk in His paths."
For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
  What should be the Christian's attitude toward the Law? Is Jesus Lord? Isn't every Word of a "Lord" "Law?"
And He will judge between many peoples
And rebuke mighty, distant nations.
Then they will hammer their
swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation will not lift up sword against nation
And never again will they train for war.
Are we commanded to beat our swords into plowshares today? Or do we wait for the Second Coming?

Are Christians "pacifists?"
And each of them will sit under his   What is a family?
What about private property?
Vine and under his  fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken.
Do all Christians have a garden? What about technology? What about the military? What about "public works?" What is it that really brings "security" and "prosperity?"
Though all the peoples walk
Each in the name of his god,
As for us, we will walk
In the Name of the LORD our God
forever and ever.
  What if all the politicians, university professors, TV commentators, bloggers, newspaper editors, rock stars, scientists, CEO's, celebrities, athletes, authors, and think-tanks repudiate the Vine & Fig Tree vision and tell you not to believe it?
In that day, saith the LORD,
will I assemble her that halteth,
and I will gather her that is driven out,
and her that I have afflicted;
And I will make her that halted a remnant,
and her that was cast far off a strong nation:
and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion
from henceforth, even for ever.
Should we strive to be on top, or to help those on the bottom? Is God on the side of those who have accomplished much by their own power and initiative, or is He on the side of those who are willing to be used by God to accomplish much to His Glory?

Here are seven "Core Values" that can be seen in Micah's vision:

Preterism Jesus is the Christ, today. | "The Mountain Established" And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And it will be raised above the hills
Optimillennialism The World must be Christianized. | "All nations, all peoples"
  • God's Creation is a universe, not a multiverse.
  • True "diversity" means all ethnic groups are invited to become Christian
  • Not "European," or "American," but Christian.
  • This has been happening for two millennia.
  • The world is not getting worse and worse
  • No Bible College in America will admit that the world is dramatically more Christian today than it was 2,000 years ago.
  • No Bible College in America confidently believes that the best is yet to come.
And the peoples will stream to it.
And many nations will come and say,
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,
Theonomy Jesus alone is the Christ, the Lord, the King, the Lawgiver, the Judge | "His path, the Law-Word"
  • We are to bring every area of life under His jurisdiction, under His Law.
  • Isaiah 33:22
  • "Theonomy" ("God's Law") is a forbidden subject in every Bible College in America.
That He may teach us about His ways
And that we may walk in His paths."
For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Pacifism Peace through Peace, not through "Strength." | "Swords into Plowshares"
  • Other universities are extensions of the Military-Industrial Complex.
  • Jesus is our Savior, not the Pentagon
  • Vengeance belongs to God
  • "Archism" is sinful.
  • No Bible College in America will admit that Jesus commands us to be pacifists, we should not "support the troops," and we should abolish "the Department of Defense."
And He will judge between many peoples
And render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
Then they will hammer their
swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation will not lift up sword against nation
And never again will they train for war.
Patriarchy The monogamous heterosexual family is the root of civilization. "Patriarchy" is a hated word. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
  • Christian morality begins at home.
  • Vine & Fig Tree is a decentralized family-centered society
  • Homosexuals, transgenders, cross-dressers, and others who violate Biblical commands are invited to enroll in Vine & Fig Tree University -- an offer no Bible College in America will make. (And possibly an offer no "gay activist" will accept.)
  • Jesus is our Priest and King
  • All Christians are priests and kings
  • No humans are priests or kings.
  • Imagine a society made up entirely of loving families and no priests and no politicians.
And each of them will sit under his
Agrarianism "Salvation" in the Bible means the restoration of the conditions of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1-2)
  • But Man's goal and purpose is to build the Garden into the City of God. (Revelation 21-22)
  • Is "Industrialism" possible without the sword (police and military) of "the State?"
  • Will we have "agrarianism" or "technocracy?"
  • Who decides?
Vine and under his  fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken.
Character The ability to stand against the crowd, in faith, in obedience to God. Though all the peoples walk
Each in the name of his god,
As for us, we will walk
In the Name of the LORD our God
forever and ever.
Community "No man is an island." Community: Serving the weak rather than the powerful | The "driven out" and "afflicted"
  • First step for students: mentoring.
  • Second step: "works of mercy."
  • Third step: production. Selling something other people buy voluntarily. A Godly calling.
  • The world's poor are best served by a division of labor under a Free Market, directed by an "Invisible Hand" who "assembles," "gathers," and "makes strong."
In that day, saith the LORD,
will I assemble her that halteth,
and I will gather her that is driven out,
and her that I have afflicted;
And I will make her that halted a remnant,
and her that was cast far off a strong nation:
and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion
from henceforth, even for ever.

This vision stands in stark contrast to

  • Atheistic Communism
  • Secular Fascism, Socialism, Keynesianism
  • Both Republicans and Democrats
  • Christianity as seen in most churches
  • Christianity as portrayed by Hollywood
  • Christianity as taught in atheistic universities

In short, this is the vision

  • that made America
  • that was banned by the United States
  • that can heal the world.

And healing the world begins with you.

We as a society will never beat our "swords into plowshares" and live peacefully under our Vine & Fig Tree unless we as individuals declare our allegiance to the true "Ruler of Nations." That means you.


Here's what I believe:

If we (human beings) would just take the Bible seriously
as it is the Word of God
we could create Heaven on Earth.

Another way of saying the same thing:

If we (human beings) would just take the Bible seriously
as it is the Word of God
we could create Paradise on Earth.

Nobody in 2018 agrees with me.

Many people tell me, "But human beings are sinners."

Yeah. So? I'm saying (to use the words of the great psychologist, Bob Newhart) "Stop it!"
I'm saying, "Let's stop ignoring the Bible!"
"Let's do what it says!"

Many people tell me, "That's just a utopian delusion."

I reply, America became the most prosperous and admired nation in history by following such a "utopian delusion."

I say "utopia" means "a good place." (From the Greek eu, "good," and topos, "place.")
Other people say "utopia" comes from the Greek ou, "not" or "no," and topos, "place." "No place." No place that will ever exist.

R.J. Rushdoony, the founder of the "Christian Reconstruction" movement, has advocated a different way of looking at "utopia":

This is what John Adams, later second President of the U.S., wrote in his diary on February 22, 1756: 

Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry, to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love and reverence towards Almighty God. What a Utopia, what a Paradise would this region be.

Like others of his day, Adams was a theonomist!

"Theonomy" means "God's Law." See Micah's prophecy below.

Adams helped negotiate (and signed) the The Paris Peace Treaty of September 30, 1783, a treaty imposed by the victorious Americans on the defeated British after the Americans won the War for Independence. That official treaty begins with these words:

In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.

It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, ... and of the United States of America, to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore....

Adams also signed the Declaration of Independence (1776). That document speaks of "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." One of the most celebrated legal scholars of that day, William Blackstone, said that these laws "are to be found only in the holy scriptures." He was echoing John Locke (1632-1704), who was a Christian philosopher who had a great influence in America. Locke said:

The Law of Nature stands as an eternal rule to all men, legislators as well as others. The rules that they make for other men's actions must . . . be conformable to the Law of Nature, i.e., to the will of God.
Human laws must be made according to the general laws of Nature, and without contradiction to any positive law of Scripture, otherwise they are ill made.
Locke, Two Treatises on Government, Bk II sec 135. (quoting Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, 1.iii, § 9 )

"Theonomy" means God's Law, or God's Will. Jesus told His disciples to pray that God's Will would be done "in earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). In other words, that God's Will would be done by human beings on earth as it is done by angels in heaven.

In other words, that the Bible would be obeyed in Church and State.

The overwhelming majority of people who call themselves Christians in 2018 do not believe that this prayer will ever be answered.

I believe it is already being answered.

But it won't be answered if we don't pray it.

And if we don't work for it.

If we obey Jesus and pray that God's Will would be done on earth, then God will "dispose the hearts" of sinful human beings to do so.

Including your own heart. And mine.